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Address: ARGENTINA OFFICE Av. Hipólito Yrigoyen 434, 2°Piso Buenos Aires C1086AAF, Argentina
Phone: +54 11 5295 3700
Address: BRAZIL OFFICE Av. das Nações Unidas 14.261, Edif. WTorre Morumbi Ala B 25º Floor São Paulo, SP 04794-000, Brazil
Phone: +55 11 989672442
Email: ochudnobsky@horwathhtl.com
Address: DOMINICAN REPUBLIC OFFICE Max Henriquez Ureña No. 37, Ensanche Piantini Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Phone: +1 809 541 6565
Email: speralta@horwathhtl.com
Address: MEXICO OFFICE Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 193, Piso 7-702, Col. Granada, 11520, Miguel Hidalgo, Ciudad de México Mexico
Phone: +52 55 2624 2111
Email: fsanchez@horwathhtl.com
Address: CHILE OFFICE Av. Apoquindo 3669 Of. 902 Las Condes, Santiago Chile
Email: gilabaca@horwathhtl.com
Careers with Latin America
If you are interested in working for Horwath HTL, please send your CV and cover letter to your preferred office from the details above.
If you are interested in working in one of our international offices please contact them directly. A list of offices can be found here.