Fernando Kanni

About Fernando Kanni


Sustainability and Tourism Partner


Av. das Nações Unidas 14.261, Edif. WTorre Morumbi Ala B 25º Floor, São Paulo, SP 04794-000, Brazil .


+55 11 9 9189 3961 / 9 8244 6227


Fernando Kanni is currently head of Tourism and Sustainability Projects Unit at Horwath HTL’s Brazil office. He is also engaged to the Tourism Business Line team at Horwath HTL International.

Fernando brings a 20 year experience in the sector with a diversified experience throughout all the Regions in Brazil, working in the development of tourism products and destinations, the public use of protected areas and environmental impact assessments in tourism and leisure projects.

During his professional experience Fernando has worked in government institutions (State of Sao Paulo), in strategic projects within non-governmental international and Brazilian organizations (WWF, ISA, SESC, FIPE), as well as in internationally funded projects (UNDP, IADB, World Bank, KfW, Finnida, PPG7) including interaction with multilateral development agencies (IADB).

Fernando also provides specialized consultancy services for tourism development and sustainability management for different public organizations such as MTur, MMA, MEC, IBAMA, ICMBio and other state/municipal institutions as well as companies throughout the country. Furthermore, he participates as professor, researcher and consultant in the SENAC/SP and is a member of the Council of Specialists in Businesses and Tourism in FECOMERCIO/SP.